Only little may know about Digital Marketing and very little know what is Digital Marketing. This article will brief about it. By the end one can know the minimum of what is Digital Marketing, its types, why digital marketing is important? Before going to the topic just want to mention it is also one of the most in demand skill present and it is also one of the leading field in IT sector. One can earn by selecting Digital Marketing as job, freelancing or by starting a start-up. Now lets skip to the topic.

What is Digital Marketing


Digital Marketing, HDR Digital Solutions
What is Digital Marketing

    Digital Marketing is advertising or marketing business or entities via digital medium. It also can be called as 'Internet Marketing'. As all of us know regular traditional marketing and how it works. Same as here in digital marketing or internet marketing has ways. Digital marketing takes takes different forms for different requirements. It all depends on the type and nature of the business and its requirements. In simpler terms, digital marketing connects the business to the end user/customer using digital means. Here, the business may be any type like business to business (B to B) or business to customer (B to C).

    Marketing means a business should establish their sounded presence where its customer is. Today an average person most of the time on digital media and digital platforms like social media platforms, e-commerce platforms. informational platforms. etc. This is why a digital marketing became mandatory for every business and if it is a start-up digital marketing became a must.

    Like in traditional marketing, as I mentioned above digital marketing also has different types of advertising methods we can say it had even more methods to advertise and helps in growth of a business. As I said above, you may have already thinking and we all know some platforms where to start digital market your business. Let me tell you some of the platforms and methods where and how a business can digital market on the internet in this digital era.

different types and methods in digital marketing
Different methods of Digital Marketing

Types and Methods in Digital Marketing:

    There are many types and many forms of marketing using digital medium today. At a point when Digital Marketing still is taking form and people are getting used to internet, paid advertising is only considered as digital marketing. Now with the increase of usage and demand many paid and unpaid methods are in use now.
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ADs
  • Lead Generation
  • Branding ADs
  • Video ADs
  • Email Marketing
  • Bulk Messaging
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing

Platforms for Digital Marketing:

    Initially, Google and Facebook started paid advertising which was followed by twitter and linked. Now every platform being having more users are developing their own Ad posting platforms. Every famous social platform, informative platform, search platform, even gaming platforms are providing advertising option letting business targeting their users.
  • Social Media Platforms
    1. Facebook
    2. Instagram
    3. Twitter
    4. LinkedIn
    5. Quora
    6. Pinterest
    7. Snapchat
  • Search Engine Platforms
    1. Google
    2. Yahoo
    3. Bing
  • Video Platforms
    1. YouTube
    2. Tik Tok
    3. Moj
    4. Josh
  • Gmail
  • Whats App messaging
  • Blogging
    These are some of the famous platforms which are being widely used by end users where we can showcase and grow our business digitally.

    By using above methods and platforms and available multiple options today Digital Marketing has two different types Paid advertising and Unpaid advertising also call 'Organic Marketing'. Where in paid advertising platforms charge on different bases and results are instant. While in Organic Marketing it's mainly content driven and slow process, where a user of those same platform use free options and increase followers and community by regular updates. Hope you got valuable info.
